The purpose of our club is to promote the sport of bass fishing through competitve tournaments, enjoy the fellowship of other fishermen, learn fishing techniques from other members, and to promote catch and release.
April 28th
Please note that this website is no longer monitored. Please find us on Facebook @
Congrats to Holman & Cooper for taking First Place at Ocean Pond and winning big bass.
Congrats to Bennett & Key with a solid win on Lake Seminole bringing 37.89 lbs to the scales.
Finley & Finley finished second with 34.57 lbs and big fish for
the tournament - 7.46 ____________________________
Congrats to Miller & Rogers on Winning our Orange Tournament with 32.02 pounds with a 10.29 pound kicker.
Congrats to Joey Key on Big Bass for the tournament - 11.54 Pounds
2018 Points Club Meeting -
May 22nd - 7 PM
@ Celebration Park,
Glen St. Mary
2018 Club Officers
President - Freddie Bennett
Vice President - Jimmy Knabb
Secretary - Steve Holman
Treasure - Cliff Wignall
Tournament Director - Darrell Finley
Chaplain - Tim Alford